Family Magic Tour at the Magic Kingdom
By: Amy BaranekJanuary 30, 2018On our recent trip to Walt Disney World, I wanted to try a few new things….some were a given like Pandora at Animal Kingdom and Food and Wine Festival at Epcot. However, there was one new experience I had in mind for us all. I had read about a tour called the Family Magic Tour. There is one tour each day at 10am and meets at Town Square. It is described as a scavenger hunt through the Magic Kingdom where you will experience some extra magical encounters. This sounded interesting enough, and as one of the most reasonably priced tours available (at the time we booked $39/person)… it was completely doable!We met inside the Town Square Theater where we were presented with name tags for everyone and bottles of water and were then told to wait over by Tony’s Town Square restaurant. There is a maximum of 20 people for this 2 hour tour. Our tour guide was Taylor who started by introducing himself and then had all of us taking the tour introduce ourselves, as we needed to be one ‘Ohana to make it through the Magic Kingdom together without getting lost.The idea of the tour was that Mickey and his friends had lost some important belongings last night in the Magic Kingdom after it closed and were unable to retrieve them before it opened today. We, as a group, needed to solve the clues we would find along the way to lead us to these missing items. Our first clue was outside and involved a child friendly game that needed to be played in order to reveal your clue. Once we had our clue, we were off to the next location. Each location involved finding something or solving a puzzle as a group to discover where your next location was. We were led through the plaza garden where we searched the bushes for puzzle pieces, explored Fantasyland solving more clues along the way, and stopping for a break to ride The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. After the ride we were back at it trying to discover our next item and clue only to find that Peter Pan had it! After a private meeting with Peter Pan we had a short break and then we were on to a matching game to discover our next clue. Our last big surprise was a meeting with Talking Mickey himself to return all of his missing items to him. Our tour guide was great at keeping us on track and getting us to the next location-have no fear, he will gently steer you in the right direction if everyone is having difficulty with the clues.