5 Safety Tips from a Travel Agent
Christina Szewczuk

- Take photos and make photocopies of your important documents.
Taking photos of important documents like license, health insurance and passport will ensure you have copies should they be lost or stolen. It is also recommended that you print out a copy of these photos. If your phone is stolen, then you will still have copies of these important documents available. This is particularly important if you’re traveling abroad. Should you lose your Passport, you can head to a US Embassy and the photos will help you get your passport replaced. If you’re traveling with children, take a photo of them as well.
2) Pack a First Aid Kit
You never know what will happen when traveling! It’s always a good idea to carry some First Aid essentials. Here are some ideas on what to include!
- Band Aids (a few different sizes)
- Tums/antacid
- Stain remover like a tide pen or shout wipes
- Baggies (you never know when or what you’ll need these for!)
- Alcohol wipes/Neosporin
- Ibuprofen/Aspirin
- Bobby pins/hair elastics
- Safety Pins/needle and thread
3) Make sure to tell someone your plans/ share your itinerary before you leave.
Making sure someone knows where you’re going and where you’ll be is very important. If something happens back home, people will know how to reach you. Alternatively, if something happens to you, people will know where you were supposed to be.
4) Get travel Insurance that includes coverage while you’re on vacation.
All policies are not created equal. Travel Insurance is always a good idea, but there are many different types of coverage. It’s important to do your research and make sure you’re getting the all the coverage you need. Some policies only cover you up until you travel and not while you’re on vacation, others will cover situations like trip interruption, weather related delays, cancellation, etc. Certain destinations will also require you to have travel insurance with health coverage. Make sure to check with your travel professional about this and any other requirements your destination may have.
- Use the safe in your room to keep money and important documents safe.
Check that the safe is bolted down or secured to the wall before you use it. Hotel rooms are never 100% secure. So, it is a good idea to place money, passports, wallets, IDs and any other important documents inside the room safe. You can add the copies of your documents from tip #1 in the safe as well.
For more helpful tips and travel information, follow me on my social media accounts!
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